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Oscar Isaac has been cast as Solid Snake

This news is only 3 hours old but is being reported across multiple publications so my gut tells me this is legit.

The MGS movie adaptation is being directed be a gentleman by the name of Jordan Vogt Roberts, who had recently directed “Kong: Skull Island”.

Roberts seems quite passionate as an MGS fan, even to the point of getting the blessing of the magic man himself, Hideo Kojima.

While there’s no real further details on the project, with Roberts wrestling with studios to get it off the ground for over a year now, this concept shot at least shows that the movie is starting out with good intentions.

I like Isaac as an actor and I think he could pull it off pretty well. He hasn’t played a lot of tough guy roles, so his ability to be a bad ass is a bit of a grey area.

I’m eager to get Bulge’s hot take on this one though.
Metal Gear is his dojo after all.