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MTV is 40 years old…and nobody cares

The shit-show, piss-poor excuse for television has reached a pointless milestone today, clocking up 4 decades of existence. For the 15 years of credibility and awesomeness that the station enjoyed, MTV has been reviled for the past 2 decades, being so trash and so far removed from honest, creative broadcasting that not even the mindless kids of today even mention it.

Literally no one gives the first fvck about MTV, young and old!

And yet it lingers on, despite being so incredibly removed from the pulse of today. Not even a shell of itself anymore, MTV has spent more time being a race to the bottom than an actual Music Television channel, which is frankly depressing and hilarious in equal measure.

If you need proof of this, MTV are streaming live right now (as of this post) with a whopping 27 people watching.

It’s sad to see former greatness wither on the vine. Turning 40 really is the milestone when hope dies. I myself plan on departing long before that awful epoch lands upon my soul. Go out with class I say! Never over-stay your welcome!

Eat a dick MTV! You were a wild experiment at best!