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Low-Brow Classics Volume I

I got drunk one night and told Snake “We should do music posts!”
He said “great!”, now I’m sand-bagged with yet another filthy detail.
Word of warning; don’t ever give Snake enough rope to hang you with.
He’s like a venus fly-trap for the talents of others.

This is the first in maybe several posts about musical acts whose sails have yet to catch the winds of the Zeitgeist.
The artists and bands who achieved, but never quite excelled throughout the collective consciousness.

Pavement seem like a great band that got lost in a great shuffle of ten thousand other bands like them.
Niche would be an understatement

Add N To X were a short-lived electronic act that thrived during the late mid-late 90’s.
Their sound was a juxtaposition of 70’s electronica and late 90’s video-nasty sensibility.

Captain Beefheart kicks ass, and anyone who disagree is a liberal fag.
The guy tore the ceiling off the musical medium and pissed right in the eyes of God.

I remember buying the debut EODM album in town with my brother, back in ’04.
He scoffed at the album art because it didn’t look like a Smyths cover, but I knew the second I bought it I was going to love this band.

My favorite band of all time. I’m biased as fuck, but I don’t care.
GBV have gotten me through depression, joblessness, loneliness, good times, great times, pandemics, etc

I never thought someone could top the Animals’ cover of “House of the Rising Sun”
For me this is a worthy successor. Belongs in a “True Detective” trailer.

Ty Segall for me symbolises an important vein connecting us to what rock used to be with what it should be going forward.
This guy is a burning talent, who makes my cock hard whenever I hear him.

However long these posts last, I’d love them to be a place where people just threw up the most random bands / acts from memory.
There is something really great in passing along a band like Camper Van Beethoven or Frank Zappa onto unsuspecting ears.

In the words of Picard, make it so!