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Day 7: Finalising The Eternal Penis

So day 7 has arrived, and it is time to bottle. I was too lazy to drill a hole in the bucket for the tap, so I naturally decided to manually siphon all the bottles. Coz I’m an idiot.

Cupid Stunt educated me on the importance of finings. They clear the wine, and I’m happy to report they did their job here. This wine’s looking like fine ‘ol batch of unadulterated child’s piss.

So I siphon this shit out into my sterilised bottles and I come out with 20 bottles of some of the clearest wine I have ever seen! Seriously, I’d be genuinely worried if I whizzed this clean!

Having drank an entire bottle since this video was made, I can confirm that the wine is very strong in terms of alcoholic content. So much so that it’s a miracle I managed to spell correctly this time around.
This paragraph took 10 mins to type properly. Fuck.