You are currently viewing Uilick McGee’s “Fat-Mac 12 Week Challenge” Week 1

Uilick McGee’s “Fat-Mac 12 Week Challenge” Week 1

Alright, so like a lot of other people trapped up in all in the Covid Hullabaloo of 2020, I got fucking fat. I ate like a horse, I drank everything I could get my hands on, and I even flew to Spain so I could eat steak every night and indulge in an orgy of trans fats.

I blew up like a cheap party balloon, and here’s the end result.

Right now I weigh 14 stone (196 lb). I have never been this big in my life, and while that’s probably not a big deal for some folks, I ain’t built like a basketball player, so this shit shows up way worse.

I mean, look at that face. No dignity. No honour. I look like a dropped pie.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is where Mac comes in.

For those unfamiliar, “Mac” is a character from the comedy show “It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia”. Played by showrunner Rob McElhenney, this guy decided to get fat deliberately for the show, play a fat bastard, then eventually get shredded like never before.

It was an amazing thing to witness.

The Challenge
So basically the challenge consists of shedding as much fat and getting as absolutely fucking ripped as possible between now and Christmas Eve (that’s 12 weeks from today). Now I know technically I didn’t get deliberately fat for this, and I’m kind of only consciously doing the second-half as a challenge. I also realise I won’t get anywhere near McElhenney’s end results as he had trainers and TV studio support and all sorts of shit.

However, as a means of gamefying the process of getting healthy, this seems like a fun way to go. Fit Mac feels like a nice ideal to strive for.
Plus if I don’t do this I won’t live to see 40, unlike this guy!

I’m going to post my progress every Thursday, regardless of whether I make massive gains, or fall face-first off the wagon.

Please send your support, memes and abuse to:

Yours In Trust

Uilick McGee
(tantrically wanked but durable)