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A Major Award

?A CHRISTMAS STORY fans will understand…

??‍♀️My grandpa sent up a gift for us obviously as a joke? …? but Bulgingsnake??fell in love with it.

?Our house is full of antique wood furniture and chicken/farmhouse decor… ??‍♀️a 3 foot lobster ?does not fit in this place!

??‍♀️…to add insult to injury; I have been asking the Bulge to hang up?? two framed drawings of the kids ????that I did… in the spot above our TV for months…?

??‍♀️…guess what’s there right now? ?This? f@&$ing? lobster!

??‍♀️You walk into our house?.. ?BAM?. ?Lobster.?

??‍♀️I can’t.

??He is proud of this? Lobster like it’s a ?leg-lamp??‍♀️ and NOW I totally understand the Mom’s meltdown in “A Christmas Story.”

?I’m about to accidently knock ?Snake’s lobster ?off the wall ???

??‍♀️This is the most heinous decoration that I have ever laid my eyes on ?and he views it like a “major award.”? This lobster ?classes up the place as well as it would convince you to eat fish at a fast food restaurant.???

??‍♀️I have begged and pleaded with ??BS to come to his decorative senses and remove the crustation from the altar that he erected for it… ??‍♀️to no avail.

?‍♂️…when he walks past it; he kisses it ?as if it were a sacred relic in our home.?

?…when I bring it up; he gets defensive.??

…I’ve heard him interrogate our children????… asking them if they have ?touched, ?removed or ?eyeballed his lobster? without permission. ..

??‍♀️This is getting out if hand.

??‍♀️I’m living a real life ?”Christmas Story”? and I’m less than thrilled that this former joke has become equivalent to an idol✝️ in a spot so abrasive that it cannot be ignored in our house.?

?TGO: What say you??

⁉️Should it stay or should it go?⁉️
