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Dune Delayed Until October 2021

While I’m not surprised, I can’t say I’m not depressed by the news.
Denis Villeneuve’s Dune is postponed until a year from now. This is an extra butt-nugget of bad news, after learning the latest Bond movie, “No Time To Die”, will be delayed until next April.

Seriously, fuck this virus.

At this stage I’d nearly be happy to pay a cinema ticket price for a stream.
God knows what Winter/Spring/Summer of 2021 is going to look like in terms of new content. This has to be the biggest cinematic suck I have ever experienced. And yet Matt Damon is back in Ireland, filming a new Ridley Scott movie, as if nothing ever happened.

It’s a weird fucking time, and I have no idea what next year will look like. If I had to guess, I’d bet that retro-screenings of classic movies are going to become a lifeline for theater owners.

I’m just bummed. I waited so long to get a first-look at the new Dune, only to have it yanked a year off into the future. It’s a sad day for sci-fi.