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Grizzly Woman

Russian photographer Olga Barantseva used a real brown bear to shoot a campaign to combat fishing and showcase natural harmony between bears and humans. Filmed in a snowy forest near Moscow, Russia. The bear, named Stepan, weighs about a ton and a half and is 7 feet tall standing. Allegedly well trained to obey and cooperate with humans. Stepan was rescued from fishermen when he was young by his circus coach, Yury Panteleenko, saying that the bear was born to be human friendly. Stepan has been in more than 20 Russian films.

…film 21, Grizzly Woman… coming soon. (Just kidding; even though they’ve enslaved a bear under the guise of ‘protection’ …no one wants them hurt.)

On the scale of stupid, 1 being not stupid and 10 being a bear snuggler… where does your common sense stand?