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Day 5: Fermentation Done, Time To Taste Test

So now that Valley Of Eternal Penis has been fermenting for 5 days, it’s time to check how the yeast has reacted with the mix. I was a little worried throughout that maybe I hadn’t sterilised enough and that the batch would get tainted (apparently it’s super important that everything is spotless).

Upon closer inspection, the brew really does resemble stewed infant piss.

Anyways, it’s time I check the specific gravity. This gives me an indication of the strength of the alcohol. If it’s at or near 0.990 then we move to phase 2.

With that done, it’s now time to siphon to a freshly sterilised bucket, being careful to avoid the sediment at the bottom.

Now I add a stabiliser and a few other bits and pieces, then leave to finalise for 48 hours. Let’s see what happens…