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Fat Mac Challenge Week 5

Here’s your weekly Fat Report you swines!

So Week 4 was all about calorie counting. I decided to dial the exercise back a little and see what bringing down my caloric intake could do in terms of weight loss. I’ve been keeping a daily log of what I was eating, and trying to make smarter food choices to bring the numbers down.

Not much difference visually from last week. Maybe a tiny bit less sagging of the tits.

I’m down 2.3 pounds (13.1 stone down from 13.6). I was much better behaved this last weekend, but it seems 2 pounds is kind of the max I can drop in a week.

With calorie counting and fasting, I’m eating less and feeling nice and light, but the flip-side is my metabolism seems to slow to a crawl whenever I cut down on meals.

It’s a tightrope walk and I think the only way to get better results is to combine everything over the last month into one solid effort. We are officially 1/3 of the way through the Fat Mac Challenge.

For Week 5 I’m going to try blend fasting with more cardio and see if a hybrid approach works.